The EYFS as we know it is changing. A revised edition was published at the end of March 2021 and this will come...

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onThe EYFS as we know it is changing. A revised edition was published at the end of March 2021 and this will come into effect on 1st September 2021. One of the significant changes is that the assesment age groups are longer rather than cutting down into months as before. It is divided into three sections: 0-3, 3-4 years and reception. A letter with regards to this information was sent out to parents at the beginning of May via our EyLog system. If you would like to look through the document in further detail this can be found at www.eyfsframework2021. Should you wish to discuss the changes with us then please speak with us and we would be pleased to explain it further.
On Friday 14th May we will be having a delivery of ‘Bookstart’ packs. These will be for the children going onto school in September. Each pack has a book, colouring pencils, and information on how to develop communication and language. It is a fun pack that can be shared with your child to encourage the love for books and stories. Once they arrive, we will let you know and then if you could bring in the health visitor red book, we can then sign it and pass on your pack. These are lovely to receive and in the past the children have really enjoyed these.
West Northamptonshire Council:
There have been a lot of changes within Northamptonshire, and you may have heard that the Daventry County Council and Northamptonshire County Council do not exist anymore. It has now been split up into two parts – West Northamptonshire (which we come under) this includes Daventry, Northampton Borough and South Northamptonshire. The North Northamptonshire covers Wellingborough, Kettering, Corby and Rushden. Many of the systems we work with are the same, but you will start to see the new logos on the documentation we receive, including the parental contracts for the Universal and Extended Funding Entitlement.
We would love to hear from you! For more information about Dolphin Day Nursery and Dolphin’s Out of School Club please call or email using the details below or leave your details to the side and a member of the team will be in touch.
[email protected]+44 (0)1327 301 600